November 20, 2023

Tips to Help You Manage Your Marketing Calendar

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

Tips to Help You Manage Your Marketing Calendar

A lot of small business owners live and die by their calendar—because if it’s not written down or scheduled, it’s probably not going to happen. The thing is, that calendar can get (shall we say) crazy when it’s home to your meetings, scheduled deliveries, soccer practice, and hair appointments—and things can get lost. Actually, let’s be real—they definitely get lost. So that’s exactly the reason why we recommend having a separate marketing calendar here at Enji—because your marketing tasks are too important to get buried by the rest of your life. So today, we wanted to do a quick rundown to help you put one together for yourself, and of course, get set up for success with sticking to it. So, let's dive into our tips to help you manage a marketing calendar for your small business!

And trust us. This is worth having another calendar.

What is a marketing calendar?

A marketing calendar isn’t a complicated thing. It’s simply a dedicated calendar for your marketing tasks (think: things like when you need to batch schedule social media posts, write and publish a blog post, when your email newsletters are going out, etc. And the thing that makes your marketing calendar a bit different from any other calendar you might have or use is the fact that it’s tied to your marketing strategy—each of the tasks on it acting as a roadmap, guiding you towards your marketing goals and ensuring that you don't miss any crucial deadlines.

Why every small business needs a marketing calendar

Staying organized, focused, and on top of what you need to do on the marketing side of things is really the main reason why a marketing calendar is a must-have for any small business. And that is very much related to the fact that you are juggling so many things as a small business owner—which can be distracting or keep you from actually doing your marketing.

But, maybe most importantly, having a marketing calendar helps you wake up every day and know whether you need to do some sort of marketing task, and if so, what that task is! Which is super helpful since a lot of small business owners say they hate marketing because they "don't know what to do." So rather than feeling lost or overwhelmed, with a marketing calendar, you can document your plan and do your future self a favor. This not only saves you time but also helps you make the most of your marketing efforts.

TL;DR: By having a clear marketing calendar, you eliminate the guesswork which allows you to focus on doing your marketing strategy effectively.

Tips to help you manage your marketing calendar

Now that we've hopefully convinced you to keep a separate marketing calendar, let's dive into some tips to help you effectively manage it. Some of this is a slight repeat of what we’ve covered so far, but only because it’s that important!

  1. ‍ Don't cram your marketing tasks onto your personal calendar or mix it with other things. This is the one that bears repeating! Because if you’re someone who just can’t seem to see your marketing to-do’s coming or they keep slipping through the cracks, having a dedicated marketing calendar fixes this problem. So, instead of mixing your marketing tasks in with other personal or professional commitments, keeping your marketing calendar separate helps you give it the attention it deserves—and it (honestly) makes it all seem way less overwhelming.‍
  2. Use recurring tasks to build marketing habits and “keep up.” Rather than typing in every marketing activity every time you need to do it, create recurring tasks—which Enji makes easy to do. This helps you build habits and keeps you on pace (at whatever pace works for you). This also works great if you are someone who likes to batch work. For example, having 1 task to sit down and schedule 2 weeks worth of social media content vs. having a bunch of tasks for writing things on the fly each day you want to post. ‍
  3. Make it a routine to check your marketing calendar daily. It’s so simple, but checking your calendar on a daily basis is key when it comes to managing your marketing calendar. Make it a habit to check your calendar either every evening or morning. This way, you'll always be aware of what's due, what's coming up, and what maybe needs to be rescheduled (cuz life happens, folks and it’s okay to move things around). But the bottom line is, by regularly reviewing your calendar, you can stay on top of any changes and adapt accordingly. 

A well-managed marketing calendar can be a game-changer for your small business. And by putting these tips to good use, you can effectively manage yours and take control of your marketing efforts. Remember, staying organized and having a clear plan of action is the key to success in the ever-evolving world of marketing. And if you are ready to give it a go, start your 14-day trial of Enji to create your marketing strategy and calendar today!


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